Sunday, December 12, 2004

Racing Bicycles at age 48

Last April I jumped on my old Cannondale R-900, an ultegra equipped road bike, and put 17 miles under my butt. My bicycle journal (my first entry) says the trip took me a long 1 hour and 20 minutes. It actually says, "My 1st ride in years, tired at the end - no wind." Quite a reality check for a guy who raced bicycles in his mid twenties, and rode every training ride with an 18 mph average or higher.

That was 10 months ago, and since then I've put in over 3,200 miles on a bike. My weight has gone from a muscular 210 (well I though so) to a relatively skinny 193 pounds. I've raced two time trials and have an ambitious calendar of future road races for the coming new year. I bought a tandem bicycle and got my wife into the act - best way to save a marriage when you plan to spend a lot of time on a bike or a great way to end a marriage if the two of you can't get along on a bike.

I would like to use this blog to journal my attempts at racing at age 48. To talk about what bikes to buy, what equipment is cool to either look at or own, and what tandem riding can be like - in short, provide an outlet for my newfound passion for bicycles.

Devil's Punch Bowl RR 4-30-05 Posted by Hello
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